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//discord chat
$(function () {
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//get content of the [[tutorial]] page
var tutorial;
$(function gettutorial () {
        url: 'https://utaite.wikia.com/wiki/Utaite_Wiki:Tutorial',
        success: function (html) {
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 * Source - w:c:starwars:MediaWiki:Wikia.js
 * Altered to replace Wiki's template preloads by runescape wiki
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//link to converter in editor, format, and video-> tutorial; thanks to UltimateSupreme with helping to put it for visual editors as well w:c:Thread:608344
 function addfeatures() {
    icon = "<a style='display:block; color:#000000' href='https://image.online-convert.com/convert-to-png?quality=10' target='_blank' title='Convert Photo'><div><div style='position:absolute; top:4px; width:45px; right:2px'><img src='https://images.wikia.nocookie.net/nicodougasingers/images/6/68/Converter_sprite.png'/></div><span class='cke_label' style='position:absolute; bottom:0px; text-align:center; width:45px; font-size:80%'>Convert</span></div></a><a id='formatter' style='display:block; color:#000000' title='Format Playlist'><div><div style='position:absolute; top:4px; width:45px; right:2px'><img src='https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/nicodougasingers/images/e/e3/Formatter_sprite.png/revision/latest?cb=20161215153534'/></div><span class='cke_label' style='position:absolute; bottom:0px; text-align:center; width:45px; font-size:80%'>Format</span></div></a><a class='tutorialicon' style='display:block; color:#000000' title='Load Tutorial'><div><div style='position:absolute; top:4px; width:45px;'><img src='https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/nicodougasingers/images/d/df/Tutorial.png/revision/latest?cb=20170411175309'/></div><span class='cke_label' style='position:absolute; bottom:0px; text-align:center; width:45px; font-size:80%'>Tutorial</span></div></a><div id='formatcontent'></div>";

//Custom YT & TM player
$(function loader() {
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//stuff for the formatter
function formatcaller() {
    $('.tutorialicon').click(function () {
        if ($('.tutorialicon').hasClass('tutorialopen')) {

    $('#formatter').click(function () {
        if ($('#formatter').hasClass('formatteropen')) {
        $('#formatcontent').html("<div id='formatwindow'><img src='https://images.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb1481713639/common/skins/oasis/images/icon_close.png'></button><br><span>NND mylists</span><br><input type='text' name='nnd' placeholder='7359936 25396393 31424334 13892546 26633779'><br><span>BB userspace</span><br><input type='text' name='bb' placeholder='11073'><br><span>YT usernames</span><br><input type='text' name='ytun' placeholder='splendiferousfantasy'><br><span>YT channels</span><br><input type='text' name='ytch' placeholder='UCMsNS10PzxzEayT7UHS4p6g'><br><span>YT playlists</span><br><input type='text' name='ytpl' placeholder='PLOA7lc-qUd88NjN4adz8Di8ZHT6jwIFrS PLOA7lc-qUd8_mcFeaVAKWKbg9FSy35SIV'><br><span>SoundCloud ID</span><br><input type='text' name='sc' placeholder='sumashu missingnumber'><br><br><input type='button' value='Format!'></div>");
    function song(title, yt, nnd, sc, bb, date) {
        this.title = title;
        this.yt = yt;
        this.nnd = nnd;
        this.sc = sc;
        this.bb = bb;
        this.date = date;

    function format() {
        $('#formatwindow input[type=button]').click(function () {
            var nnd = [];
            var ytun = [];
            var ytch = [];
            var ytpl = [];
            var sc = [];
            var bb = [];
            var list = [];
            var listsc = [];

            if (!$('input[name=nnd]').val() == '') {
                nnd = $('input[name=nnd]').val().split(" ");
                for (var i = 0; i < nnd.length; i++) {
                    var url = "https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20title%2CpubDate%2Clink%20from%20rss%20where%20url%3D'http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nicovideo.jp%2Fmylist%2F" + nnd[i] + "%2Fvideo%3Frss%3D2.0'&diagnostics=true";
                        type: "GET",
                        url: url,
                        dataType: "xml",
                        success: function (xml) {
                            $(xml).find('item').each(function () {
                                list.push(new song($(this).find('title').text(), '', $(this).find('link').text().split("/watch/")[1], '', '', $(this).find('pubDate').text().split(' ')[3] + '.' + getmon($(this).find('pubDate').text().split(' ')[2]) + '.' + $(this).find('pubDate').text().split(' ')[1]))
            if (!$('input[name=bb]').val() == '') {
                bb = $('input[name=bb]').val().split(" ");
                var token = " ";
                for (var i = 0; i < bb.length; i++) {
                    //find number of pages then call bbformat on all pages
                            console.log('calling bb ajax');
							//changed to yquery
                    var url = "https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20*%20from%20json%20where%20url%3D'http%3A%2F%2Fspace.bilibili.com%2Fajax%2Fmember%2FgetSubmitVideos%3Fmid%3D" + bb[i] + "'&diagnostics=true";
					console.log('current url: '+url);
                        type: "GET",
                        url: url,
                        dataType: "xml",
                        success: function (xml) {
                            console.log('bilibili ajax successful');
                            var pages = $(xml).find('pages').text();
                            for (var j = 0; j <= pages; j++) {
                                bbformat("https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20*%20from%20json%20where%20url%3D'http%3A%2F%2Fspace.bilibili.com%2Fajax%2Fmember%2FgetSubmitVideos%3Fmid%3D" + $(xml).find('mid:eq(0)').text() + "%26page%3D", j, list);
            if (!$('input[name=ytch]').val() == '') {
                ytch = $('input[name=ytch]').val().split(" ");
                var token = " ";
                for (var i = 0; i < ytch.length; i++) {
                    ytchformat(ytch[i], '', list);
            if (!$('input[name=ytun]').val() == '') {
                ytun = $('input[name=ytun]').val().split(" ");
                var token = " ";
                for (var i = 0; i < ytun.length; i++) {
                    ytunformat(ytun[i], '', list);
            if (!$('input[name=ytpl]').val() == '') {
                ytpl = $('input[name=ytpl]').val().split(" ");
                var token = " ";
                for (var i = 0; i < ytpl.length; i++) {
                    ytplformat(ytpl[i], '', list);
            if (!$('input[name=sc]').val() == '') {
                sc = $('input[name=sc]').val().split(" ");
                var url = " ";
                for (var i = 0; i < sc.length; i++) {
					url = "https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20*%20from%20json%20where%20url%3D'http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Fresolve.json%3Furl%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fsoundcloud.com%2F"+sc[i]+"%2Ftracks%26client_id%3D2t9loNQH90kzJcsFCODdigxfp325aq4z'&diagnostics=true"
                    console.log('calling sc ajax');	
						type: "GET",
						url: url,
						dataType: "xml",
						success: function (xml) {
							$(xml).find('json').find('json').each(function () {
								listsc.push(new song($(this).find('title').text(), '', '', $(this).find('permalink_url:eq(1)').text(), '', $(this).find('created_at').text().split(' ')[0].replace('/', '.').replace('/', '.')))
            $(document).ajaxStop(function () {
                list.sort(function (a, b) {
                    if (a.title < b.title) return -1;
                    if (a.title > b.title) return 1;
                    return 0;
                list.sort(function (a, b) {
                    if (a.date < b.date) return -1;
                    if (a.date > b.date) return 1;
                    return 0;
                for (var i = 0; i < list.length - 1; i++) {
                    if ((list[i + 1].title == list[i].title) && (list[i + 1].date == list[i].date)) {
                        if (list[i + 1].nnd != '') {
                            list[i].nnd = list[i + 1].nnd;
                        } else {
                            list[i].yt = list[i + 1].yt;
                        list.splice(i + 1, 1);
                var rmv = ['【歌ってみた】', 'を歌ってみた', '歌ってみた', '(english cover)', 'english cover', 'cover', 'english', 'vers.', 'ver.', 'vers', 'ver', 'french', 'german', 'chinese', 'spanish', 'rap', 'screamo', 'piano', 'tv size', 'tv-size', 'acapella', 'a capella', 'short', 'band', 'acoustic', 'arrange', 'parody', '替え歌ってみた', '替え歌', '--', '- -'];
                var out = '==List of Covered Songs==\n{{Playlist|content = \n';
                var ver = '';
                for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
                    ver = verformat(list[i].title);
                    for (var j = 0; j < rmv.length; j++) {
                        list[i].title = list[i].title.replace(new RegExp(" \\b"+rmv[j]+"\\b", "ig"), " ").replace(new RegExp(" \\b"+rmv[j]+"\\b", "ig"), " ").replace(new RegExp("\\b"+rmv[j]+"\\b", "ig"), " ");
			list[i].title = list[i].title.replace('ENG', '');

			list[i].title = list[i].title.replace(' ', ' ').replace('|', '-').replace('[', '「').replace(']', '」').replace('()', '').replace('--', '').replace('- -', '').replace('  ', ' ');

			list[i].title = list[i].title.trim();

			list[i].title = list[i].title.replace('Private video', '(Private video)').replace('Deleted video', '(Deleted video)');

                    if (list[i].yt != '' && list[i].nnd != '') {
                        out = out.concat("# \"[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" + list[i].yt + " " + list[i].title + "]\" {{nnd|" + list[i].nnd + "}}" + ver + " (" + list[i].date + ")\n")
                    else if (list[i].yt != '' && list[i].nnd == '') {
                        out = out.concat("# \"[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" + list[i].yt + " " + list[i].title + "]\" " + ver + " (" + list[i].date + ")\n")
                    else if (list[i].yt == '' && list[i].nnd != '') {
                        out = out.concat("# \" " + list[i].title + "\" {{nnd|" + list[i].nnd + "}}" + ver + " (" + list[i].date + ")\n")
                    /*else if (list[i].bb != '' && list[i].nnd != '') {
                        out = out.concat("# \"[https://www.bilibili.com/video/" + list[i].bb + " " + list[i].title + "]\" {{nnd|" + list[i].nnd + "}}" + ver + " (" + list[i].date + ")\n")
                    else {
                        out = out.concat("# \"[https://www.bilibili.com/video/" + list[i].bb + " " + list[i].title + "]\" " + ver + " (" + list[i].date + ")\n")
                    } */
                out = out.concat('}}\n');
                var outsc = '===Songs on SoundCloud===\n{{Playlist|notice = soundcloud|content = \n'
                for (var i = 0; i < listsc.length; i++) {
                    ver = verformat(listsc[i].title);
                    for (var j = 0; j < rmv.length; j++) {
                        listsc[i].title = listsc[i].title.replace(new RegExp(" \\b"+rmv[j]+"\\b", "ig"), " ").replace(new RegExp(" \\b"+rmv[j]+"\\b", "ig"), " ").replace(new RegExp("\\b"+rmv[j]+"\\b", "ig"), " ");
					listsc[i].title = listsc[i].title.replace(' ', ' ').replace('|', '-').replace('[', '「').replace(']', '」').replace('()', '').replace('--', '').replace('  ', ' ');
                    outsc = outsc.concat("# \"[" + listsc[i].sc + " " + listsc[i].title + "]\" " + ver + " (" + listsc[i].date + ")\n");
                outsc = outsc.concat('}}\n');
                if (listsc.length <= 0) {
                    outsc = '';

                $('#formatcontent').html("<div id='formatwindow'><img src='https://images.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb1481713639/common/skins/oasis/images/icon_close.png'></button><textarea readonly name=res>" + out + outsc + "</textarea></div>");
                $('#formatwindow .close').click(function () {
    function verformat(title) {
        var tmp = ' -';
        var t = '';
        if (title.toLowerCase().indexOf('english') > -1 || title.indexOf('英語') > -1 || title.indexOf('ENG') > -1) {
            tmp += 'English ';
        if (title.toLowerCase().indexOf('french') > -1 || title.toLowerCase().indexOf('français') > -1) {
            tmp += 'French ';
        if (title.toLowerCase().indexOf('german') > -1 || title.toLowerCase().indexOf('deutsch') > -1) {
            tmp += 'German ';
        if (title.toLowerCase().indexOf('chinese') > -1 || title.indexOf('中文') > -1) {
            tmp += 'Chinese ';
        if (title.toLowerCase().indexOf('spanish') > -1 || title.toLowerCase().indexOf('español') > -1) {
            tmp += 'Spanish ';
        if (title.toLowerCase().indexOf('indonesia') > -1) {
            tmp += 'Indonesian ';
        if (title.toLowerCase().indexOf('rap') > -1) {
            tmp += 'Rap ';
        if (title.toLowerCase().indexOf('screamo') > -1) {
            tmp += 'Screamo ';
        if (title.toLowerCase().indexOf('piano') > -1 || title.indexOf('ピアノ') > -1) {
            tmp += 'Piano ';
        if (title.toLowerCase().indexOf('tv size') > -1 || title.toLowerCase().indexOf('tv-size') > -1) {
            tmp += 'TV size ';
        if (title.toLowerCase().indexOf('acapella') > -1 || title.toLowerCase().indexOf('a capella') > -1) {
            tmp += 'Acapella ';
        if (title.toLowerCase().indexOf('short') > -1) {
            tmp += 'Short ';
        if (title.toLowerCase().indexOf('band') > -1 || title.indexOf('バンド') > -1) {
            if (title.toLowerCase().indexOf('band edition') > -1) {
                t = ' -Band edition-';
            } else {
                tmp += 'Band ';
        if (title.toLowerCase().indexOf('acoustic') > -1) {
            tmp += 'Acoustic ';
        if (title.toLowerCase().indexOf('arrange') > -1 || title.indexOf('アレンジ') > -1) {
            tmp += 'Arrange ';
        if (title.toLowerCase().indexOf('parody') > -1 || title.indexOf('替え歌') > -1) {
            tmp += 'Parody ';
        if (tmp == ' -') {
            return '' + t;
        return tmp + 'ver.-' + t
    function ytunformat(url, token, list) {
		            var u = "https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20*%20from%20json%20where%20url%3D'https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fyoutube%2Fv3%2Fchannels%3Fkey%3DAIzaSyD5bC5qiEP-_25Llg2ciYNM9sW-WP6a6ck%26part%3Did%26forUsername%3D"+url+"'&diagnostics=true";
                            console.log('calling yt ajax');
					console.log('function url: '+url);
					console.log('current url: '+u);
                        type: "GET",
                        url: u,
                        dataType: "xml",
                        success: function (xml) {
							console.log('yt username ajax successful');
                            $(xml).find('items').each(function () {
								var id = $(this).find('id').text();
								var uu = id;
								if (token == '') {
								} else {
									uu = id + "%26pageToken%3D" + token;
								uu = "https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20*%20from%20json%20where%20url%3D'https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fyoutube%2Fv3%2Fsearch%3Forder%3Ddate%26part%3Dsnippet%26maxResults%3D50%26key%3DAIzaSyD5bC5qiEP-_25Llg2ciYNM9sW-WP6a6ck%26channelId%3D"+uu+"'&diagnostics=true";
								console.log('calling yt chid ajax');
					console.log('function url: '+url);
					console.log('current url: '+uu);
									type: "GET",
									url: uu,
									dataType: "xml",
									success: function (xml) {
										var token = " ";
										token = $(xml).find('nextPageToken').text();
										$(xml).find('items').each(function () {
											console.log("check if id=null"+$(this).find('videoId').text())
											var tmp = " ";
											tmp = $(this).find('videoId').text();
											if (tmp != " ") {
												list.push(new song($(this).find('title').text(), $(this).find('videoId').text(), '', '', '', $(this).find('publishedAt').text().split('T')[0].replace('-', '.').replace('-', '.')));
										if (token != " ") {
											ytchformat(id, token, list);
											console.log("token not empty");
    function ytchformat(url, token, list) {
		var u = url;
		if (token == '') {
		} else {
			u = url + "%26pageToken%3D" + token;
		u = "https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20*%20from%20json%20where%20url%3D'https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fyoutube%2Fv3%2Fsearch%3Forder%3Ddate%26part%3Dsnippet%26maxResults%3D50%26key%3DAIzaSyD5bC5qiEP-_25Llg2ciYNM9sW-WP6a6ck%26channelId%3D"+u+"'&diagnostics=true";
		console.log('calling yt chid ajax');
		console.log('function url: '+url);
		console.log('current url: '+u);
			type: "GET",
			url: u,
			dataType: "xml",
			success: function (xml) {
				var token = " ";
				token = $(xml).find('nextPageToken').text();
				$(xml).find('items').each(function () {
					console.log("check if id=null"+$(this).find('videoId').text())
					var tmp = " ";
					tmp = $(this).find('videoId').text();
					if (tmp != " ") {
						list.push(new song($(this).find('title').text(), $(this).find('videoId').text(), '', '', '', $(this).find('publishedAt').text().split('T')[0].replace('-', '.').replace('-', '.')));
				if (token != " ") {
					ytchformat(url, token, list);
					console.log("token not empty");
    function ytplformat(url, token, list) {
		var u = url;
		if (token == '') {
		} else {
			u = url + "%26pageToken%3D" + token;
		u = "https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20*%20from%20json%20where%20url%3D'https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fyoutube%2Fv3%2FplaylistItems%3Fpart%3Dsnippet%26key%3DAIzaSyD5bC5qiEP-_25Llg2ciYNM9sW-WP6a6ck%26playlistId%3D"+u+"'&diagnostics=true";
		console.log('calling yt chid ajax');
		console.log('function url: '+url);
		console.log('current url: '+u);
			type: "GET",
			url: u,
			dataType: "xml",
			success: function (xml) {
				var token = " ";
				token = $(xml).find('nextPageToken').text();
				$(xml).find('items').each(function () {
					console.log("check if id=null"+$(this).find('videoId').text())
					var tmp = " ";
					tmp = $(this).find('videoId').text();
					if (tmp != " ") {
						list.push(new song($(this).find('title').text(), $(this).find('videoId').text(), '', '', '', $(this).find('publishedAt').text().split('T')[0].replace('-', '.').replace('-', '.')));
				if (token != " ") {
					ytplformat(url, token, list);
					console.log("token not empty");

    function bbformat(url, page, list) {
        console.log('calling bb ajax');
        //console.log('bbformat called with url:'+url+page);
		console.log('function url: '+url+page+"'&diagnostics=true");
            type: "GET",
            url: url + page + "'&diagnostics=true",
            dataType: "xml",
            success: function (xml) {
				$(xml).find('vlist').each(function () {
					var d = new Date(parseInt($(this).find('created').text()) * 1000)
					list.push(new song($(this).find('title').text(), '', '', '', 'av'+ $(this).find('aid').text(), d.getFullYear() + "." + ("0" + d.getMonth()).slice(-2) + "." + ("0" + d.getDate()).slice(-2)))

    function getmon(mon) {
        switch (mon) {
            case 'Jan':
                return '01';
            case 'Feb':
                return '02';
            case 'Mar':
                return '03';
            case 'Apr':
                return '04';
            case 'May':
                return '05';
            case 'Jun':
                return '06';
            case 'Jul':
                return '07';
            case 'Aug':
                return '08';
            case 'Sep':
                return '09';
            case 'Oct':
                return '10';
            case 'Nov':
                return '11';
            case 'Dec':
                return '12';

//tutorial hints
var $textarea;
var $textarea2;
var $highlights;

$(function() {
	$('#mw-content-text').prepend("<div id='textareaoverlay'></div>");
	$textarea = $('#wpTextbox1');
	$textarea2 = $('textarea.cke_source');
	$highlights = $('#textareaoverlay');

var tips = {};
function getTips() {
        url: 'https://utaite.wikia.com/wiki/MediaWiki:Tips.js?action=raw',
        success: function (html) {
            tips = JSON.parse(html);

function applyHighlights(text) {
if (!text) { return }
  text = "<span class='notutorialinfo'>!<span class='tutorialtooltip'></span></span>"
    .replace(/</g, '&lt;')
    .replace(/\n/g, "\n<span class='notutorialinfo'>!<span class='tutorialtooltip'></span></span>")
    var t = "";
    for (i in tips) {
      if (tips.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
             text = text.replace(
		new RegExp(
			"(^|\n)<span class='(.*)tutorialinfo'>!<span class='tutorialtooltip'>(.*)</span></span>(.*)" + i.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&') + "(.*)\n", "g"
		"$1<span class='tutorialinfo'>!<span class='tutorialtooltip'>$3"+(tips[i].length===1?tips[tips[i]]:tips[i]).join('\n')
.replace (/'/g, "&#39")
.replace (/"/g, "&quot;")
.replace (new RegExp("<small>", "g"), "&lt;small&gt;")
.replace (new RegExp("</small>", "g"), "&lt;/small&gt;")
.replace (new RegExp("<ref>", "g"), "&lt;ref&gt;")
.replace (new RegExp("</ref>", "g"), "&lt;/ref&gt;")
.replace (new RegExp("<br>", "g"), "&lt;br&gt;")
.replace (new RegExp("<tabber>", "g"), "&lt;tabber&gt;")
.replace (new RegExp("</tabber>", "g"), "&lt;/tabber&gt;")
.replace (new RegExp("<span style=info>", "g"), "<span style='color:#179e0a; font-size:larger'>")
.replace (new RegExp("<span style=use>", "g"), "<span style='color:#0a689e; font-size:larger'>")
.replace (new RegExp("<span style=ex>", "g"), "<span style='color:#9e0a9b; font-size:larger'>")
.replace (new RegExp("<span style=imp>", "g"), "<span style='color:red; font-size:larger'>")
.replace (new RegExp("<span style=ph>", "g"), "<span style='color:#707070'>")
  return text;
var time = 0;
function handleInput() {
  if (time + 1500 < Date.now()) {
    time = Date.now();
function updateTips() {
    var text = $textarea.val();
    var highlightedText = applyHighlights(text);

function handleScroll(e) {
if (e.target.scrollTop - $textarea.scrollTop() > 100 || $textarea.scrollTop() - e.target.scrollTop > 100 ) $textarea.scrollTop(e.target.scrollTop);
function bindEvents() {
    'input': handleInput,
    'scroll': handleScroll
    'focus': function(e){e.preventDefault()},
    'scroll': handleScroll

//execute scripts when visual editor is loaded or when document.ready
$(function () {
    if (window.CKEDITOR) {
        CKEDITOR.on("instanceReady", function () {
			//if visual editor, switch to source editor by default
			$("#cke_1_contents").ready( function(){

    } else {
